Following a move to London to study Sonic Arts and Design. Dea soon found himself hunting through flea markets and charity shops across Europe, feeding his developing taste for more obscure sounds for the dancefloor.
2012 saw a return to his native Indonesia. He found himself working in various segment in the music industry such as record producer, audio engineer, sound designer, and audio consultant for music venues. Anything related to music is his forte. Utilising his skills not only as a DJ but also as a highly ambitious sound designer, he has created the islands only audiophile space,Studio Eksotika, featuring an incredible, painstakingly sourced array of vintage analog speakers, where he showcases the vinyl he has dug from every corner of the planet. The venue has become a must visit hangout for visiting DU’s and music lovers alike.It’s not only in Bali where his unique skills are in demand. He has also represented theIndonesianCulture Ministry at a number of events acrossEurope, showcasing Indonesian music and culture in Belgium, Germany, France and Sweden. Dea’s deep knowledge in music and his deep knowledge in analog audio recording become his inspirations to create and produce Indonesian band “White Shoes & The Couples Company”, ZATUA and Precious Bloom. Defining what Dea plays defeats the object of his mission. There are no genres. no hype tunesIts one man sharing his love or the obscure with the dance floor.